Every morning I go to the university, I come back home every evening. And in between? Twiddling my thumbs, self-doubt, and feeling like a blockhead. Unable to concentrate, each sentence on the white sheet of paper is an achievement, every minute wasted a step backward. That's procrastination. Procrastination is a phenomenon common among the younger generation. The University of Münster recognized this in 2012 and set up an outpatient clinic for those affected; other universities followed suit. There are countless books and courses that help to learn to deal with it.
I confess: During my studies, I spent a lot of time procrastinating, leaving housework halfway done and starting again. I was desperate. At some point, I bought a smartphone with a camera and began to photograph the libraries. The pictures landed anonymously on Instagram. The daily endorphin rush provided a motivation to work and take photos alongside.
The photos helped me focus on my university work and get closer to my bachelor's degree. I have been able to combine my passion and strength, photography, with academics. Now, only my bachelor's thesis is missing. After it is complete, I will work as a photojournalist. Because I can.
Series : I confess, I do procrastinate Berlin, Germany - 2016

This is the end, my friend ...
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