Young people in Greece dream about Berlin, London, or Madrid-but no longer about Athens or Thessaloniki. For years, they have gone out on the streets and campaigned for better living conditions in the so-called "financial crisis". The crisis permeated the whole society-but the youth feel it the most. They bear the burden of the government's neo-liberal reform packages while becoming independent from their parents. It seems, however, that they became resigned in their struggle for political change after the election of Tsipras as the president of the Mediterranean country. In November 2016, the former US President Barack Obama visited his Greek colleague Tsipras with a message to bring hope to the Greek people. He campaigned for a debt cut. This is a good time to ask the following questions:
How is the youth dealing with the deeply challenging situation? Are they thinking about migrating to central Europe? Is there hope for collective change?
We met with nurses, students, demonstrators, anarchists, and the resigned citizens of Athens, and talked to them about the future that nobody wants to talk about.
Series : Greece – Youth without Hope Athens, Greece - 2016
This is the end, my friend ...
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